Rah's Trim

Rah_trim’s functionality has been superseded by rah_function.

We still offer rah_trim's old downloads to those that want it, but please be careful. Old things may get outdated fast and things can break. Using the old downloads on production environment is not recommended.

Rah_function has superseded rah_trim. The plugin can do everything that rah_trim can do and even more. Rah_function can be used to trim whitespace from the beginning and the end of a string by calling a function such as trim, ltrim or rtrim.

To trim both ends:

<txp:rah_function call="trim">
	...contained statement...

Or from the beginning:

<txp:rah_function call="ltrim">
	...contained statement...

Or from the end:

<txp:rah_function call="rtrim">
	...contained statement...